May 7, 2018 | News
The Sandy Springs Conservancy has accomplished a whole lot in 2015. CLICK HERE for snapshot of everything we’ve done.
May 7, 2018 | News
Linda Bain, the Sandy Springs Conservancy Executive Director, announced her retirement this summer, effective December 31, 2015. She has been the SSC Executive Director since 2007, and was a board member when it was formed under Sandy Springs Revitalization in 2001....
May 7, 2018 | News
SCC’s annual Thought Leader’s Dinner was held this year on April 23rd. The topic was Connecting the Dots . . . .the importance of connecting people and places. Liverpool, England, native John Crompton, author and professor at the department of recreation, park and...
May 7, 2018 | News
Connecting the Dots… the importance of connecting people and places… On April 23rd, 2015, keynote speaker Dr. John Crompton explored ways communities can increase their walkability, attractiveness, and long-term vitality. Dr. Crompton brought lessons from three...
May 7, 2018 | News
On April 24 2014, The Sandy Springs Conservancy hosted a dinner and presentation for community thought leaders. Ed McMahon Presentation for Sandy Springs Conservancy. Yes! Money does grow on trees. View our compelling presentation on the economic value of greenspace...
Aug 30, 2017 | News
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